The International Microsimulation Association

January 1, 2022

I gave a short talk on the model at this years’ International Microsimulation Association Conference.

It was fun. I enjoyed a lot of the presentations.

One really striking things at these conferences is the disjoint between the work of Civil Servants - cautious, empirical, with lots of deep knowledge of the systems they were modelling, and the academics - often wildly ambitious, with what seems to be a sketchy understanding of the systems they are dealing with. Different incentives I suppose.

I’m with the civil servants. I wonder sometimes if microsimulation is a field that’s really progressed over the last 20 years.

Here’s a version of the presentation that Judith made me do as a rehearsal.

Just ignore the dishevelled mumbling old bloke in the corner.

Category: Blog Tags: IMA
The International Microsimulation Association - January 1, 2022 - Graham Stark